Azure / AWS

Office 365 migration taking years? Not sure if P2 License is required for what you need? Wondering why your AWS bills monthly look like a house purchase price? Bring us in, we can help.

Managed Network

Providing ‘Managed Network’ remotely and on-site, our industry veterans will supply the grey matter.Patching and backups NOT optional.

Custom Professional Services

When you need a team to parachute into a situation and execute, we thrive.

CTO/CIO/CFO Advisory Services

Senior IT guy move to Alaska? IT Director HODL’d BitCoin since 5$ and drove off in his shiny new Buggati? We can come in and assess the situation and give you a non-biased view of what it will take and where money would be best spent.

Security Services

MDMR? What does that even mean? Sounds like trying to use a horse and buggy to solve transportation issues. We will help you design a plan to get secure and stay secure, not just for one single penentration test to appease Jenny or Scott from <insert over-billing accounting firm here>.